Complete the sentence with the correct coupons nouns.

Inglês Compound nouns Avançado

Complete the sentences with the correct coupoud nouns. The first letter of each word is given 

1. Some people think the p______ s_______ near the town is ugly, but we need it to generate our electricity.

2. I' kk meet you outside the e_______ g_______ to the zoo. It's right in front of the zoo. 
3. there were huge t_______  j_______ in the city center yesterday after an accident meant one of the roads was clouded.

4 the new i____ c_____ has got a massive swimming pool and plenty of tennis courts 

5. the council work in this building. In my towns the t_____ h_____ is in the marked 

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Professora Fatima S.
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1 - Power Station 3- traffic jam

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Professor Miguel R.
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Lu, veja:

2. entrance gate

4. inn center (?)

5. trouble hotspot (?) 

Espero tê-la ajudado. At.te, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro.

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Professor Jonathan A.
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Olá Lu tudo bem? Teacher John, aqui!

Acredito que seja

1) Power station-  Estação de energia

2)Entrance gate-Portão de entrada

3)Traffic Jam-Engarrafamento

4) Indoor Club, acredito eu, posso estar errado, traduziria para clube fechado (acredito eu)

5) Trouble Hotspots-Pontos Problemáticos

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Professor Alan M.
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  1. Some people think the power station near the town is ugly, but we need it to generate our electricity.

  2. I'll meet you outside the entrance gate to the zoo. It's right in front of the zoo.

  3. There were huge traffic jams in the city center yesterday after an accident meant one of the roads was clouded.

  4. The new leisure center has got a massive swimming pool and plenty of tennis courts.

  5. The council work in this building. In my town, the town hall is in the market.

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