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Inglês Básico

My name (0) ___ Hugo and would like to tell you about the town where I live. it's (1)___ the north of Wales, and it's called Llandudno. That's probably (2)_____ unusual name for you because it's a Welsh name. Here in Wales we have our own language. I (3)_____ born here, so I speak Welsh really (4)____.

Llandudno is (5)_____ most beatiful town in Wales. Well, that's what I think. It's by the ocean, and we have lots of beaches. They (6)____ sandy but have lots (7)____ small stones on them. You (8)_______ swim in the ocean if you want to, but it's very cold most of year.

There are lots of things to do in Llandudno. There (9)_____ parks, and there's a small mountain with a chair lift that goes to a café at the top. There's a relly good concert hall, and lots of great bands play here. There (10)___ a youth club that I go to every Friday night with my friends.

Foto de Marcos A.
Marcos perguntou há 1 ano

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Professor Danilo J.
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My name IS Hugo and would like to tell you about the town where I live. it's IN the north of Wales, and it's called Llandudno. That's probably AN unusual name for you because it's a Welsh name. Here in Wales we have our own language. I WAS born here, so I speak Welsh really WELL. Llandudno is THE most beatiful town in Wales. Well, that's what I think. It's by the ocean, and we have lots of beaches. They ARE sandy but have lots OF small stones on them. You CAN swim in the ocean if you want to, but it's very cold most of year. There are lots of things to do in Llandudno. There ARE parks, and there's a small mountain with a chair lift that goes to a café at the top. There's a relly good concert hall, and lots of great bands play here. There IS a youth club that I go to every Friday night with my friends. Espero ter ajudado! Atenciosamente, Prof. Danilo Julião

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Professora Fatima S.
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Professora Kathleen N.
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Respondeu há 1 ano

Olá Marcos!

My name is Hugo and would like to tell you about the town where I live. it's in the north of Wales, and it's called Llandudno. That's probably an unusual name for you because it's a Welsh name. Here in Wales we have our own language. I was born here, so I speak Welsh really well.

Llandudno is the most beatiful town in Wales. Well, that's what I think. It's by the ocean, and we have lots of beaches. They are sandy but have lots of small stones on them. You can swim in the ocean if you want to, but it's very cold most of year.

There are lots of things to do in Llandudno. There are parks, and there's a small mountain with a chair lift that goes to a café at the top. There's a relly good concert hall, and lots of great bands play here. There is a youth club that I go to every Friday night with my friends.

Espero ter ajudado!


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Professora Rafaela A.
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Respondeu há 1 ano

My name is Hugo and would like to tell tou about the town where I live. It's in the north of Wales, and it's called Llandudno. That's probably an 

unusual name for you because it's a Welsh name. Here in Wales we have our own language. I was born here, so I speak Welsh really well.

Llandudno is the most beatiful town in Wales. Well, that's what I think. It's by the ocean, and we have lots of beaches. They are sandy but have lots of small stones on them. You can swim in the ocean if you want to, but it's very cold most of year.

There are lots of things to do in Llandudno. There are parks, and there's a small mountain with a chair lift that goes to a café at the top. There's a relly good concert hall, and lots of great bands play here. There is a youth club that I go to every Friday night with my friends.

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Professor Paulo B.
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Respondeu há 1 ano
My name IS Hugo and would like to tell you about the town where I live. it's IN the north of Wales, and it's called Liandudno. That's probably AN unusual name for you because it's a Welsh name. Here in Wales we have our own language. I WAS born here, so I speak Welsh really WELL. Liandudno is THE most beatiful town in Wales. Well, that's what I think. It's by the ocean, and we have lots of beaches. They ARE sandy but have lots OF small stones on them. You CAN swim in the ocean if you want to, but it's very cold most of year. There are lots of things to do in Llandudno. There ARE parks, and there's a small mountain with a chair lift that goes to a café at the top. There's a relly good concert hall, and lots of great bands play here. There IS a youth club that I go to every Friday night with my friends. That’s my answer! I’ll see you.
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Professor Alan M.
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  8. of
  9. can
  10. are
  11. is

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English Reading Tradução em Inglês English Teacher
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Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
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